contact us

Use the form on the right to contact us.

Send a prayer request, update us on some news you want to share, ask a question, whatever!

300 W Goodrich Ave
Thomaston, GA, 30286

(706) 647-4844

A Southern Baptist church prominently located in the West Village area of the Silvertown community of Thomaston, GA.

Silvertown Baptist Church is voluntarily affiliated with the Centennial Baptist Association, the Georgia Baptist Convention, and the Southern Baptist Convention.

We host a free community soup kitchen every Tuesday and Thursday from 11:30am to 1:00pm. Everyone is welcome.

Give Online

Silvertown Baptist Church now offers an option to give tithes, offerings, contributions, donations (call it what you will). Online giving is here to help you be a generous and disciplined disciple of Jesus Christ.


Silvertown Baptist Church is happy to offer you a new way to give to the Lord through His church.

We understand that many people neither carry cash nor wield a checkbook regularly, but they still want to cheerfully obey God's direction to financially support the work of their church.  We also know there are many who have come through our church in the past that may have a desire to bless us in the present. If that's you (on either or both accounts), then the button above, a generous spirit, and a credit or debit card is all you need.

At this time, all online gifts will go to the General Fund. Designated giving online will come later, Lord willing.


(Remember: Credit cards are a tool and must be used wisely. We want you to worship through giving, but don't give money you don't have. That's not generosity; it's foolishness.)